Generally, if you’re changing your name, you’ll want something shorter and simpler. You may change your Twitch name every 60 days which is great if your current name is poor. Need a Better Shorter Simpler Twitch Name? HINT: If you go online and search you can normally find lists of words and slang that relate to what you stream. This search will return name ideas like “NiteKicker”, “NiteHunter” and “NiteTool”. Next select “Gamers – Gaming” under “Select Your Suffix”.First, enter your word (In this case we will use “Nite”) into the “Enter Your Name or Keyword” field.Let’s say you want a name based on the word Nite for Fortnite… Hack Twitch Names Like “NiteBlast”, “NitePlay4” and “NiteIconic” This will give you name ideas based on this word. You can add any word into the “Enter Your Name or Keyword” field. Perhaps you love Fortnite or League of Legends and would like a name based on what you Stream? Want a Twitch Name Based on What You Stream? If you have a longer name you can combine with “Popular 3 Letter Words” or similar topics. TIP: The above method works best with shorter names or nicknames. This search gets you ideas including “NickTally”, “NickAI”, “NickBooM” and more…

Select the topic “Gamers – Gaming” under “Select Your Suffix”.Add a name (In this case we’ll use Nick) into the “Enter Your Name or Keyword” field.Here’s a walkthrough to give you an example: Hack Name Based Twitch Names Like “NickNoob”, “NickTheLaser” and “NickTwoPairs” With the above generator, you can add in a keyword or your name into the “Enter Your Name or Keyword” field. Need a Name-based Twitch name like the famous Nickmercs or Timthetatman? No luck with these settings, learn how to get other name ideas below: Need a Twitch Name Based on Your Name? Still no luck? Check out the following tips. Under “Select Your Suffix” select “Talking - Chatter - Communicate” Under “Select Your Prefix” select “Gamers - Gaming”

HINT: Not getting the Twitch names you want? Try the following settings: